Exeter Hypnotherapy for Emetophobia
Emetophobia is a seriously debilitating condition that refers to the intense fear of vomiting, feeling nauseated, seeing or hearing another person vomit, or seeing vomit itself.
An individual with emetophobia may fear one, some, or all of these things. They may also be afraid of hearing that someone is feeling like vomiting or that someone has vomited, usually in conjunction with the fears of seeing someone vomit or seeing vomit. As with any phobia, these fears are not always logical, but they are present and very real. Emetophobia is not limited by age or maturity level. There are cases of emetophobia present in childhood and adolescence, as well as adulthood. It is one of the most common phobias and responds well to being treated with hynotherapy
Stop allowing Emetophobia to rule your life! Let Exeter Hypnotherapist Mike Uttley help you to overcome your fear of vomit or being sick! For Hypnosis for emetophobia call Exeter Hypnotherapy now on 01392 555450 or fill in the contact form and I will get back to you.
For Hypnotherapy in Exeter contact Exeter Hypnotherapist Mike Uttley