Hypnotherapy with Mike Uttley

Stop Smoking with Mike Uttley at Exeter Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis

Exeter Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation offer a fast, effective and powerful method for the permanent eradication of this unwanted habit and having Stop Smoking Hypnosis with me is one of the best ways of giving up!

The physical addiction to cigarettes is less than 10% - the rest is all in the mind, which can be re-educated!

When you come to see me for Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy I explain how your subconscious has created such a dangerous habit and remind you of the dangers to mind and body of smoking and how hypnosis will help you stop forever. So long as you have a genuine desire to quit, you will leave here as a non-smoker for good - and with no cravings! The cost for this 90 - 120 minute treatment is £140.00.

Please note that a commitment on your part is required. Please do not come to see me for stop smoking hypnotherapy if you are not prepared to put some effort in yourself. I do the best I can for you to become and remain a non-smoker but you will be required to do your share. After the hypnotherapy most people leave as non-smokers but there are some who require a little more help. To accommodate those I offer a back up CD and follow up service to help you. This includes a further session of hypnotherapy if required.

I stopped smoking with Hypnotherapy

Twenty seven years ago, before I qualified in hypnotherapy, I went to see a hypnotherapist to stop smoking. I walked out of that session as a non-smoker after twenty years of smoking heavily. I have never smoked since and had no cravings or desire to smoke from that moment on. I can honestly say that stopping smoking with hypnotherapy was one of the best things I have ever done in my life. As someone who used to smoke I have personal experience of the effects of this dreadful, poisonous nauseating and unpleasant habit. Let my hypnotherapy help you to stop smoking now!

Call Mike on 07960778605 Now

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how Exeter Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis can help you too...

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